November 11, 2010

Delicata squash with rainbow chard

I went to the farmer's market in my neighborhood a few weeks ago and found my favorite squash for a really great price! I bought 3 delicatas and prepared them a couple different ways. First, I pan sauteed thin slices of it with delicious spices and rainbow chard. It was really pretty, but the squash's texture was not ideal. I would recommend roasting the squash, as I did with the other 2, and then adding slices of the roasted squash to the sauteed chard. Pictures!
The raw slices of squash, tossed in olive oil and in a pan with a 1/4 inch of water and lots o'spices.

Cracked pepper and rosemary and nutmeg, oh my! I covered the pan and cooked these over medium heat until they were almost done, then added chard.

Rainbow chard is so gorgeous!

Covered and steamed, then sauteed until the chard was tender.

All done :)

Really pretty, see?! But, as mentioned, the squash's texture was lacking. Next time I make this I will roast the squash like I did below:

For this version of the squash, I just Preheated the oven to 375 F, cut it in half, scraped the seeds out, and coated it in olive oil and spices. I placed the squash opens side down on a baking sheet and baked it until tender, for about 30 minutes. It is crazy delicious this way!
Happy autumn!

1 comment:

beth sobo said...

Ah!! Amazing! You are so cool, Lauren! I MUST add you to my favorites list. Fun!