September 8, 2010

crazy and delicious pancake concoction

A few nights ago I came home from work exhausted and hungry, and all I had in my pantry was a package of Trader Joe's Gluten Free Pancake and Waffle Mix, chia seeds, dried coconut and ground flax meal. I decided to whip something up and by some miracle it was completely delicious. 

1 c TJ's GF Pancake and Waffle Mix
1/2 c organic dried coconut
3 T chia seeds
1/2 c organic rice milk (maybe more next time)
1 flax 'egg'  (I'll explain below)
1/2 t sea salt
1/2 t cayenne pepper
1 t cinnamon
1/2 t cardamom
a dash of several other things... nutmeg and poppy seeds and maybe even some corriander? i was on a roll hahah
5 T Spanish olive oil

Crazy, right? I know. But seriously, delicious. 

To make an 'egg' out of ground flax meal, simply measure one tablespoon of flax meal into a small cup, then add three tablespoons of hot water. Stir and let set for a few minutes, and it will get all gelatinous and goopy and egg-like. 

So I whisked everything together, and kept whisking until there were no more clumps and the chia started to get sticky and bind everything together. Then I heated up my pan, added a dab of coconut oil, and dropped the first blob of batter in. I had to pat it down into a pancake so it would cook through, but next time I'll add more ricemilk. I peeked under and once it was browned I flipped it over to finish it off (in true pancake form) and then slid it onto my plate. I'm sure I will discover something delicious to top it with, but I enjoyed it all by itself this time. It's so satisfying when a spontaneous experiment turns out well!

EDIT! I made it again and took pictures, and I made a savory sweet syrup by mixing equal parts honey and mustard :)



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